Hi everyone!

Hopefully you are already aware of my Bikemap App. It was downloaded over 50.000 times within 4 months, a huge success for me and I couldn’t have done it without you!

Some quick facts:

  • I scored second place with this app in the  U19 freestyle computing competition and was chosen from over 650 participants
  • I was in the  Futurezone.at, one of the most famous IT-blogs from Austria
  • The Austrian Kurier wrote about this app in the printed version
  • Bikemap was the most downloaded sports app in Austria, Czechia and Qatar
  • Sebastian Kreutzberger, the CTO of 6Wunderkinder, noticed this app and offered me an iOS developer position. Wunderlist and Bikemap were both developed in Titanium and one day I decided to tweet to Appcelerator announcing my recent number of downloads. Sebastian noticed my tweet and quickly got into contact with, we chatted and then he offered me a job. 6Wunderkinder is a totally cool company, and you can see this by the people who work  here.


Before I started working, I participated at a Appcelerator Titanium Training to become a  Certified Titanium Application Developer. It was a huge milestone in my young career and I hope to gain more training in the future.

6Wunderkinder is a Berlin based startup founded in August of 2010 and creates multi-platform productivity solutions for individuals, groups and businesses. Currently I am working on a productivity platform named  Wunderkit. Recently, I submitted an update of Wunderlist for iPhone and iPad to the App Store. I also worked on the next  Wunderlist version that includes iOS, Mac and Windows. This week I started to work on Wunderkit projects and look forward to the upcoming challenges. I have the greatest team that provides good support, feedback and lot’s of laughter.
